Voice Actor / Aiko

Do 09 november 2023

Words as mirrors in a framework of clatter shape the arches to VOICE ACTOR's pavilion. Surrounded by offerings of flowers, a construction is shown. The unusual compact scale conforms to tiny standards for intimate listening. All is half-height, so the visitor has to enter on hands and knees. From the verandah a crumbling, overgrown statue can be glimpsed, pointing at the pond nearby. The water is framed by a soundfence of endless space nobody can leap, a tree branch repetitively dips into it from above. Visitors can be seated on large rocks and have the surprising pleasure of hearing tear-stained but triumphant hearts sing.

Aiko creates and plays music for various bands, shorts, documentaries, performances and installations. His passion for the diverse and in-depth sounds of objects and instruments, translates to his work for film, theatre, dance and visual arts (Maika Garnica, Frederike Migom, Raf Njotea, Poolhert). He’s also active as a producer, composer and multi-instrumentalist for various bands (Catbug, Boogie Belgique en Yong Yello). Live he brings anything between spherical layers to moving, intimate rhythms and beats.

€13 VVK via deze link
€17 dagkassa
