Otark celebrates the 1 year existence of The Continuous Hotsauce.
The continuous is like a mole madre or a perpetual stew,
i continuously reheat it and add new ingredients to it-
some peppers, something sour, something sweet,
anything i would like to both eat continuously and keep for ever. (Charlotte)

on the 1st of October 2021
Allspice, Anise seeds, Annatto, mexican Avocado leaf, kolikuttu Bananas,
Bay leaf (from indre & bert’s tree),
calabrian Bergamot zest, moro Bloodorange zest, mexican Cacao,
Cardamome Violette, indian green Cardamom,
Celeriac, peruvian Cinnamon, Coriander flowers, Coriander seeds,
Chile ancho peppers, Chile chipotle meco, Chile chipotle morita, Chile pasilla, naga ghost Chile,
peruvian Cinnamon, a couple of Coffee beans (roasted by mustafa),
Coriander seeds, Cumin seeds,
honey fermented Dates, smoked Dates from china,
Fennel flowers, Fennel fringes, roasted Garlic, afghan Guava,
rolf’s Chile Powder,
Hibiscus flowers, date fermented Honey, heather Honey, fresh ripe Jackfruit,
eritrean Korerima, Lime zest, Mace,
seville orange Marmalade, aged Mandarino tardivo zest,
Nutmeg, roasted Onion, dried Orangeblossom,
salted green Peaches (from last summer),
doyenne du comice Pear,
tailed Pepper, red kampot Pepper, saravak Pepper,
Persimmon, roasted ash Plantain,
last summer’s salted green plums,
Pumpkin seed oil, Quince paste, Rosehips, Dominican Rhum,
sea Salt, sri lankan Sepadilla, rue and fig leaf Smoke,
Sesame seed oil, sri lankan raw palm Sugar,
a cup of smoked black Tea,
a cup of kyo bancha Tea,
Thyme (fresh, vulgaris), mexican Vanilla,
date Vinegar, pineapple Vinegar,
candied Walnuts (from tien’s tree),
medlar Wine.