Nitish Bhardwaj bekwaamde zich in drama en film aan de Mahatma Ghandi International Hindi University te India. Hij ontving prijzen en lof voor zowel zijn kortfilms als voor zijn Hindi poëziebundel. Momenteel is hij bij KunstZ aan de slag als schrijver en regisseur.
Nina Moortgat is een jonge dichter van 24 jaar die momenteel Writing for Performance aan de LUCA School of Arts studeert en graag wil onderzoeken wat ze allemaal met poëzie kan doen.
Onder de werktitel How to be a Witch pogen ze een performance in de openbare ruimte te maken over (heksen)vervolging.
Nitish en Nina resideren van 15 maart tot en met 10 april in Het Bos.
What do you expect to learn from the residency?
- By meeting new people and getting feedback we obtain new tools to improve as theatre makers.*
What is your favorite medium?
Theater because it encapsulates all the other mediums (music, spoken word, written word, visual arts...) Moreover it is a social medium as it is based on the interaction with it's audience. Also it is a never ending process of creation as every performance differs from each other. The play in that way is never fully finished.
We get our inspiration from observing people and personal experiences. For example the idea of using the light of a public space came when Nina was walking around with a mirror on the street and saw that it reflected the street light in her shadow making it look as if there was a hole in her body. Next to personal experiences we also get inspired by symbolism and ancient myths.
Favorite time to create?
Morning. In inconvenient times as on the train or bike.
Criticism on current social affairs?
We criticize the concept of fake news. By showing different perspectives of the same story we aim to show that 'the truth' is a construction and can be abused to frame people in a better or worse way.