Kaat Lens

resident Bosacademie

Kaat Lens has a residency in Het Bos in July. She will show new work during Vruchtbare Grond from 19 till 28 September.

We asked Kaat some questions:

When is your favorite time of day to create?

Whenever I get in a good flow. It could be at all times of the day, but most of the time the flow is really flowing during the night. Once everyone has left and it’s dark and quiet around. I get really energetic while everyone else is sleeping, however it does make me realise how important a good sleep schedule is and how horrible mine can be.

How do you define success as an artist?

Besides selling a work and being able to pay your studio rent with it. I feel most successful whenever I’m able to talk with other artists about our work for a long time. While trying to understand their way of work I’m also learning about my own work. I always feel more motivated and confident afterwards.

How has your style changed over time?

I’m adding more personal storylines to my work than I ever did before. I remember never really feeling the need to use a specific personal situation and defining it really obviously in a work. The people in my paintings were almost never a specific person besides Miuccia Prada. Now I define myself in them almost always, yet I keep myself anonymous (because it makes me feel naked) by cutting of my head or hiding myself behind a tree.