Mama’s Open Mic

Di 09 mei 2023

Mama's Open Mic (abbreviated MOM) is a staple in the Flemish and Brussels Slam Poetry scene. MOM was created ten years ago as a creative haven for hungry and aspiring performing artists (originally mainly Slam poets), who often still move under the radar of the established arts sector. MOM offers everyone and especially those who do not conform to the dominant norm, a platform and growth opportunities within various performing disciplines. With us you will find word, music, dance, comedy, performance and everything in between. MOM is a nomadic organization and works mainly on location: Het Bos and Zomerfabriek in Antwerp, Viernulvier (Vooruit) in Ghent, Muntpunt in Brussels, and so on.

🖤How does the Open Mic work?
Open micers will be called on stage after randomly being picked out from a bowl. Before each headliner performs there will be 3 spots for Open Mic'ers to perform. To ensure all artists have enough time, each Open Micer gets a set of max. 3 minutes. To ensure we have enough time for everyone, we ask that this time limit is respected.
🖤Where do I sign up?
All you have to do is show up! Between 8pm and 8.30pm, you can sign up at the event and your name will be put into a bowl. Our host will pick out names from the bowl on stage at random. There's a seperate bowl for first timers so that we can give them priority!
🖤Can I bring my own music?
YESS! Bring your own music on a USB-stick (!) or bring your own instrument. Make sure to soundcheck beforehand, just ask the technician.