Onder de noemer Visitations stelt Sound in Motion de kruisbestuivingen, gelijkenissen en/of verschillen tussen muzikanten uit verschillende windstreken centraal tijdens een korte residentie. / Under the Visitations banner Sound in Motion shows similarities, differences and cross-pollinations between local and international musicians during a short residency.
For the first Visitations edition of 2023 – in collaboration with Het Bos – Dave Rempis (US, reeds), Darren Johnston (US, trumpet), Larry Ochs (US, reeds), Marta Warelis (PL/NL, piano), Nicolas Chkifi (BE, drums) and Hugo Antunes (PT/BE, bass) accepted the challenge to immerse themselves in an adventurous musical two day residency at Het Bos.
VISITATIONS I – DAY 1 – 20/04/2022
Rempis, Johnston and Ochs present Spectral, the trio they are touring with throughout Europe, and Warelis, Chkifi and Antunes play for the first time as a trio, assembled especially for this residency.
VISITATIONS I – DAY 2 – 21/04/2022
Rempis, Johnston, Ochs, Warelis, Chkifi and Antunes fill the evening with various unreleased combinations, duos, trios, ensemble…