YMI - Flavoring Togetherness

Wo 29 november 2023

Gratis in de Bosbar en via We Are Various

YMI: Our very first Fusion Community Radio event is scheduled for November 29th. We've called upon our community to share their ideas and co-create a radio show with us. This promises to be a beautiful evening, brimming with stories, live arts, and music, all in the spirit of flavoring togetherness. You have the option to either tune in online through We Are Various or join us at Het Bos, where you can be a part of this evening's activities completely free of charge.

YMI stands for open-minded souls who dare to embrace differences. We’re an ever-changing community.

YMI is more than just a hard lemonade; it's a brand that aims to create a movement of like-minded souls embracing each other's differences, fueled by nightlife and cultural institutions. For their first 'Fusion Community-built radio' called "Flavoring Togetherness,” they called upon individuals to respond to their open call and contribute a piece of themselves to the first 3-hour show. The outcome features 10 creatives, each set to engage, create, or play something unique. It's not your usual hybrid radio show—we're trying to turn physical stuff into radio waves in this experiment. Get ready for a mix of inspiration and a bit of chaos, either live at De Bosbar or tune in through WAV.

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