Extra Academy: CHT/Totalism.org
Extra Academy organiseert een open programma van lezingen, performances, workshops en screenings rond artistieke praktijk, reflectie en onderzoek. Het platform is er een waarbij deelnemers kennismaken met praktijken en visies die niet of nauwelijks in de media of het kunstonderwijs aan bod komen. Zo ambiëren ze een veel ruimer beeld te scheppen van de gelaagdheid en rijke complexiteit van wat een hedendaagse artistieke praktijk kan betekenen in dialoog met o.a. kunsthistorische, socio-politieke, filosofische en economische implicaties.
CHT/TOTALISM.ORG HACKBASE is an infrastructure research project in Canary Islands (Spain). Since 2011, ad-hoc crews use common-owned equipment and coordinate by consensus-established protocols, to curate, develop, document & practice the transitional tactics, technologies, theory, and arts, towards ending capitalism. Started as a shared house; since 2014 organizing experimental off-grid desert camps, open to all. In 2016 the project acquired a large transporter, and built it into a mobile living unit / media lab / cinema / bio-lab / studio capable platform. As of 2021, the project is an expanse of thousands of interlinked pieces of living written, intermedia & sensor documentation, software specs & code, and infrastructure equipment, held together as a multi-faceted hypermedia & resource compendium, and affiliated with a growing number of fellow travellers. The base is a primer of a new institutional type, prototyping & seeking to virally propagate its logic of networking and labouring. Bases principally don't see themselves as the destination, but as sustainable experimental apparatuses towards that effect. Bases however must challenge all comfortable status-quo collectivities, and demonstrate increasing readiness for real-world transition. Starting October 2021, the CHT/Totalism.org hackbase will inhabit Kunsthal Gent's fall period of the "Permanently Practising" development residency, with a participation-focused public programme. → https://totalism.org/@khg